We at HNG - one of India’s leading glass manufacturing company, support sustainable growth as a long term stratetgy that has been embraced by our leadership. We offer complete packaging solution to our customers to improve overall productivity and line performance.

Our expertise in glass manufacturing for over decades makes us firmly believe that there is no other packaging which not only protects its contents, but is highly eco-friendly in nature other than glass. That’s why CHOOSE GLASS!

Download  LCA  Report

WHAT IS LCA? A systematic way of analyzing impact of a product on environment, during their entire life cycle is called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). It measures and assesses potential impact of a product on environment. This study was conducted in India to evaluate the environmental profile of glass, that is - understanding environmental impact of container glass, assessing it right from raw material extraction to manufacturing and end-of-life recycling, to identify and investigate scope for improvement for glass container manufacturing.

In the study, site-specific data representative of current technology used in India of reference year 2016-17 were collected and analyzed for container glass.
  • Environmental impacts of container glass in 2012 and 2017 LCA study says that the values of several environmental impact indicators for 1 kg of container glass reduced as compared to that in 2012 because of increase in recycling, increase in reusability and reduction in energy consumption.
  • While comparing North America Glass industry and AIGMF it was found out that Indian glass manufacturing process is highly energy efficient and generates less carbon footprint compared to its American counterpart.
  • While comparing with other packaging materials it was found out that today in India glass packaging has less environmental footprints compared to PET / Plastic packaging on almost all aspects. Hence, this result clearly establishes glass as clearly the greenest and safest mode of packaging .

Through this analysis it was seen that Indian glass manufacturing process is highly energy efficient and adopts best in the world technologies. Also, environmental footprints of glass can be further reduced by 50% if it recycled by 75% and reduced weight by 20%.

  • Potential for Glass to reduce its Environment footprint if recycled 


  • Scope for reduction of Glass weight by further 
